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Paisano Cheatsheet

Paisano is not only a filesystem-based module system, but also a framework that specifies roles such as cell, block, target, or soil.

In comparison, Haumea is a more abstract system that allows users to load and process filesystem-based modules, without specifying what the modules should represent. Paisano, on the other hand, is closer to being a framework because it guides users in organizing their filesystem-based modules in a structure that has a specific meaning, while still allowing users to define the types and meaning themselves.

From the limited information I gathered, it appears that Paisano was extracted from the std framework, while Haumea was developed in parallel. There is now a branch in Paisano that internally utilizes Haumea.

According to the author, Paisano was created to meet the needs of devops engineers. Since I am currently not interested in packaging software, but rather in declaring my development environment, I have skipped advanced topics such as actions, registries, and TUI tools.

The examples below are just excerpts. For the full context, read the code in the GitHub repository.

§ Grow On

  inputs = {
    paisano = {
      url = "github:divnix/paisano";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nix-community/nixpkgs.lib";

  outputs = { paisano, self, ... }@inputs:
        inherit inputs;
        systems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ];
        cellsFrom = ./cells;
        cellBlocks = [
            name = "fooblock";
            type = "experiment";
            name = "barblock";
            type = "experiment";
        product = {
          cell = paisano.harvest self [ "cell" ];
          block = paisano.harvest self [ "cell" "fooblock" ];
          foo = paisano.harvest self [ "cell" "fooblock" "foo" ];
          bar = paisano.harvest self [ "cell" "fooblock" "bar" ];

          cellPicked = paisano.pick self [ "cell" ];
          winnow = paisano.winnow (field: value: field != "baz" && value !=
            null) self [ "cell" "fooblock" ];

§ Harvest cell

├── cells
│  └── cell
│     ├── barblock.nix
│     │  └── { inputs, cell }: { bar = "bar"; }
│     └── fooblock.nix
│        └── { inputs, cell }: { foo = "foo"; inherit (cell.barblock) bar; baz = "baz"; }
└── flake.nix
   └── cell = paisano.harvest self [ "cell" ];

  cell = {
    aarch64-linux = {
      barblock = {bar = "bar";};
      fooblock = {
        bar = "bar";
        baz = "baz";
        foo = "foo";
    x86_64-linux = {
      barblock = {bar = "bar";};
      fooblock = {
        bar = "bar";
        baz = "baz";
        foo = "foo";

§ Harvest block

├── cells
│  └── cell
│     ├── barblock.nix
│     │  └── { inputs, cell }: { bar = "bar"; }
│     └── fooblock.nix
│        └── { inputs, cell }: { foo = "foo"; inherit (cell.barblock) bar; baz = "baz"; }
└── flake.nix
   └── block = paisano.harvest self [ "cell" "fooblock" ];

  block = {
    aarch64-linux = {
      bar = "bar";
      baz = "baz";
      foo = "foo";
    x86_64-linux = {
      bar = "bar";
      baz = "baz";
      foo = "foo";

§ Harvest block key

├── cells
│  └── cell
│     ├── barblock.nix
│     │  └── { inputs, cell }: { bar = "bar"; }
│     └── fooblock.nix
│        └── { inputs, cell }: { foo = "foo"; inherit (cell.barblock) bar; baz = "baz"; }
└── flake.nix
   └── foo = paisano.harvest self [ "cell" "fooblock" "foo" ];

  foo = {
    aarch64-linux = "foo";
    x86_64-linux = "foo";

§ Pick cell

├── cells
│  └── cell
│     ├── barblock.nix
│     │  └── { inputs, cell }: { bar = "bar"; }
│     └── fooblock.nix
│        └── { inputs, cell }: { foo = "foo"; inherit (cell.barblock) bar; baz = "baz"; }
└── flake.nix
   └── cellPicked = paisano.pick self [ "cell" ];

  cellPicked = {
    barblock = {bar = "bar";};
    fooblock = {
      bar = "bar";
      baz = "baz";
      foo = "foo";

§ Winnow block filtering out one key

├── cells
│  └── cell
│     ├── barblock.nix
│     │  └── { inputs, cell }: { bar = "bar"; }
│     └── fooblock.nix
│        └── { inputs, cell }: { foo = "foo"; inherit (cell.barblock) bar; baz = "baz"; }
└── flake.nix
   └── winnow = paisano.winnow
         (field: value: field != "baz" && value != null)
         [ "cell" "fooblock" ];

  winnow = {
    aarch64-linux = {
      bar = "bar";
      foo = "foo";
    x86_64-linux = {
      bar = "bar";
      foo = "foo";

GitHub comments